A crown or a "cap" is a type of restoration that covers the entire portion of the tooth that is exposed in the mouth. This is the restoration of choice when addressing any type of tooth fracture because of the circumferential support that it provides. This is also the restoration of choice when replacing over 1/3 of the exposed tooth due to breakdown or breakage. Crowns can be made of several different materials and they all serve different purposes and are used for different situations. Drs. Klein would love the opportunity to discuss with you which type of crown will offer you the best possible restoration.
At Klein Family Dental we believe in the expertise of a good laboratory! We believe that a crown is a significant financial investment for a patient and that the outcome should be held to a very high standard. In order to achieve this we do our crowns in a two step process. This allows us to work with a laboratory and build a crown out of the material that is the best fit for a patients circumstance, and build a crown that will fit perfectly, and have an exceptional cosmetic outcome. During the first appointment, the patient will come in for the preparation. During this appointment the patient will have their tooth prepared for the placement of a crown, an impression will be taken, and a temporary crown will be fabricated. At the second appointment, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent crown is cemented into place and adjusted for a perfect fit.
Crowns do require maintenance! The average life span for a crown is 8-15 years depending on many factors such as home care, regular hygiene visits, and even your bite, and your risk to cavities or periodontal disease.